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Vocabulary Day

Dear Parents


Vocabulary Day At Marston Green Infant Academy


We encourage children to use a wide range of vocabulary both in their written work and in their spoken language. To extend their use of vocabulary further, we are completing a “Vocabulary Parade” on


Friday 3 March 2023


For this to take place, we are asking all children to come to school dressed as a word. This could be a noun, verb, adjective or another exciting WOW word. Please make sure your child knows and understands the word they are dressing up as so they can talk about their word! We are not asking you to spend money, but to be creative using any resources you may have at home.


Your chosen word must be clearly displayed within your outfit.


As well as a “Vocabulary Parade” and a day of vocabulary linked activities, we will also have a competition for the most creative word in each class. Below are some examples of how you could dress up as a word. You can also find more examples if you search for “Vocabulary Parade” online: *bright clothes – bright *lots of questions marks – confused *multiple copies of money – wealthy Before you start getting creative.


There are some rules …

1. No footballers

2. No princesses

3. No characters from films or books as we will have done this for World Book Day

4. Be creative!


It is all about the vocabulary! Vocabulary Day was a huge success last year. We are really excited and we can’t wait to see all of your marvellous outfits!


Yours sincerely

Frankie Dunbar and Jennifer Taylor English Lead and Speaking and Listening Lead

