We take turns and share…
During conversations and class discussions
When we are working in a group
During our games with friends
When we are waiting for our lunch
When we want to play on the same equipment
We are part of our local community and we visit…
The Church
The old people’s home
The shops
The Library
Also we have visits from..
The police
The Animal Man
We enjoy a range of British festivals/celebrations and festivals from other cultures…
Pancake day
Mothers Day
Bonfire Night
Chinese New Year
Ramadan and Eid
Remembrance Day
We are kind to our friends and behave well…
We follow our class rules which we have written together
We share our ideas and listen to the ideas of our friends
We like to work together
We learn about how to keep ourselves and our friends safe
We are polite…
We say please and thank you
We take care of our classroom and our activities
We help our friends to tidy up
We share our resources
We learn about British culture and the monarchy…
We listen to British Music
We explore London including landmarks such as “The London Eye” and “Buckingham Palace”
We find out about the King
We eat British food
We find out about British seasons
We have a puppet show and make puppets
We learn about the world around us…
We mark special multicultural days from our local community and the wider world
We learn to respect people who are different to ourselves and enjoy looking at our similarities and differences.
We learn to take care of animals and plants in our outdoor area.
We like to investigate and ask questions
We are learning to listen…
We wait for our friends to finish speaking before we speak
We look at whoever is talking
We listen to music and sounds in the environment
We respect what our friends say even if we don’t agree.
We are all part of our school community…
We all wear a uniform.
We have a school council to share our ideas and make decisions.
Our teachers listen to our ideas for activities and role play areas
We have class votes to make decisions.
We have daily assemblies.
We write our class rules together.