During this half term, we will be exploring a selection of different writing styles that the children have experienced this year. We hope this will keep their memories refreshed ready for Key Stage 2.
We hope you are all managing to find opportunities for reading too, it is so important. It might be a story book, a recipe, a newspaper article or a comic. It may even be some signs you discover on a daily walk. Please keep reading! This week our focus is instruction writing and we have used a book from the oxford owls website. We have also introduced VIPERS - perhaps your child will remember our guided reading sessions in school? We will provide more structured comprehension questions over the next few weeks so watch this space!
There are no specific spelling plans this week but we have included a copy of the year 1 and year 2 common exception words for you - remember, the expectation is that these are all known (reading and spelling) by the end of key stage 1.
We have also include a grammar based worksheet about Imperative (Bossy) Verbs.