Everyone in Year 2 says Hi!
We all hope you enjoyed the sunshine over Easter, completed some fun Easter activities together and maybe, enjoyed some chocolate too!
All the teaching staff are missing the children and are disappointed that we can’t all begin our new topic together. The Great Fire of London is a topic we all enjoy and it usually it culminates in a class museum; which obviously, is unable to happen this year.
However, we have created a Great Fire of London icon below which includes lots of the information we would have shared together at school. The suggested activities link History, Art, D&T and English curriculum's together and include other fun activities and websites to explore too. Maybe you could create your own mini museum at home and send a picture to the Academy Facebook page, so we can all see?
Please be aware that the suggested activities around The Great Fire of London are for the whole topic so can be completed over the next five weeks (if we were in school, the work would last for the whole half term) so please don’t try and complete all in one week!
We will update other curriculum areas weekly, as we have been doing. You will find this week's Mathematics, Science, Grammar and Spelling home learning below.
Thank you for your continued support at home, it is very much appreciated.