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First Aid



First Aid

In the event of an accident, please contact a member of staff who will enlist the help of a first aider.  If you have a medical condition which you would like us to be aware of, please inform a member of staff.


Aggressive Behaviour

The school will not tolerate verbal or physical aggression towards its staff.  Behaviour of this sort could result in the removal and a ban from the school site.



Marston Green Infant Academy provides supportive opportunities for children to talk.  The school expects all adults to talk in a professional manner about pupils and their families. Unconditional confidentiality (keeping a secret) should never be promised to a pupil. Where professionals work to their own code of  practice, confidentiality must be explained to pupils from the outset.


Mental First Aid

We have a number of staff who are Mental Health First Aid trained, they are:

Ms Beverley Elliott - Headteacher

Mrs Nicola Roberts - Child & Family Support Worker

Mrs Amanda Devlin -  SENCO

Mrs Kate Burden - PSHE Lead
