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At Marston Green Infant Academy, we have a Pre-School setting on site.  

Our Pre-School caters for children aged 2 - 3 years.



All our members of staff are highly committed to supporting the developmental needs of all the children within their care.

Our staff are qualified up to NVQ Level 6 (all staff are qualified to a minimum NVQ LEVEL 2/3) and a Level 3 Early Years SENCo

To learn more about our staff, please click here.


We also have a designated DSL officer (Designated Safeguarding Lead) on site 5 days a week. 

For more information on our Safeguarding Team please click here


We post lots of useful information and pictures of activities that we have been doing on our Facebook page - why not follow us and keep up to date!


Absence Notification




Please inform a member of staff in advance if your child will be absent for an appointment or holiday.


In accordance to our Safeguarding Policy, a member of Pre-School staff will contact you to ascertain the reason for absence if a message or telephone call has not been received.





Parking On-Site


Parents are able to drive through the main school gate and park in the TURNING CIRCLE from:


7:30am - 8:10am*


3:45pm - 6pm


You will be unable to park on site outside of these times.


*you must be off site by this time

