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Start of Nursery



Year Group/Class

15 hours

30 hours



8:30am to 11:30am

8:30am to 2:30pm


Please ensure that you are prompt at these times to ensure children get the most out of their session.

If you need to speak to a teacher please wait until all children have been dismissed. 


Start and end of the day 

Nursery children will enter the school through the side pedestrian gate at the right hand side of the main gates and leave through the main gates which will be left open during this time.


Please can we ask that you wait at the Nursery gate for a member of staff to welcome you into the Nursery playground and that children to do not play on the equipment set out in the area. 


Collection at the end of the day will be the same as the start of the day. The staff will ensure that they pass your child back to you or a nominated adult (from the yellow collection forms)


Personal Belongings

Please can you ensure that all belongings and items of clothing, including bookbags and coats are clearly labelled with your child’s name. 



We are fortunate to be able to provide a complete and full environment for the children this year with no restrictions. We have lots of lovely resources the children can access in the environment, therefore we start from the beginning by introducing our tidy up song to encourage the children to take ownership of their environment. 


The cleaners conduct a deep clean at the end of the day.


Toileting and Hand washing 

 Throughout the day there are numerous toilet breaks and the opportunity to wash hands carefully under the supervision of the staff. We encourage the children that when they are in the environment and need the toilet that they can take themselves. All members of staff ensure that we frequently ask the classes if they need the toilet. 
