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If a child discloses something to you which gives cause for concern:

Þ Listen and accept what is being said

Þ Allow the child to talk freely

Þ Reassure the child, but do not promise to keep any secrets

Þ Do not interrogate the child or ask leading questions

Þ Try not to act shocked even though the information may be disturbing


How should I record the details of the disclosure?

If it is appropriate, try and make notes during the  conversation, or try and record the information as soon as you can using exact words and phrases and record body language where possible.


Report to the Designated Members of Staff:

Ms Elliott - Head Teacher

Mrs Devlin - SENDCO

Mrs Roberts - Child and Family Support Worker

Mrs Woodward - Pre School Manager

*you can see them on our Safeguarding Team poster HERE!*


What should I do if a member of staff gives cause for concern?

Report the allegation to the Headteacher.  If the allegation is about the Headteacher, then you should contact the Chair of Governors: Mr Keith Gurthrie (details available on the school website via the school office).



What should I do if I am worried about a child?

If you become concerned about a child whilst working with them, please report this immediately to either of our Designated Members of Staff.


Other key staff who can offer advice and support 


Mr Moore - Assistant Head

Mrs Mason - Head of Early Years

Mrs Griffiths - Senior Lead - KS1

Miss Waters - Senior Lead - Nursery







