Please read the story Jabari Jumps before you explore the following activities. You will find the link and activities on the English home learning page.
The story makes us realise that sometimes we are faced with things we don’t want to do or are a little scared to do. Sometimes it’s because we haven’t done it before so we can be fearful of the unknown! At other times, it’s because we think we aren’t very good at something so we are afraid to give it a go. Take a look at the Jabari Jumps slides below; they explore how we can change our own mindset and recognise that we may not be able to do everything perfectly yet! There is even a song from the Sesame Street gang, to enjoy.
When you have explored that together, there are activities to complete if you open the link below called Growth Mindset Activities. Finally, we have included a document called Resilience Ladder; the children have explored this before in school as part of our JIGSAW Lessons. When we are learning something new, no-one knows how to do it at first, we plan out what we might need to do in order to learn and consider how we might feel along the way. There is an example given of someone learning to ride their bicycle so you can see that this strategy is not just for school based learning.
Perhaps you will find it a helpful strategy when you face something new or difficult.