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Year 2





Violet Class, Lily Class and Poppy Class




Summer Term


We have reached the final term of year 2 - how quickly the year seems to have gone!

Thank you for your continued support and remember, the teaching staff are always willing to talk about children's progress and help with any questions you may have.

Please continue to read regularly with your children - it really helps with confidence and fluency. Thank you. 


Summer 1 : Magical Adventures

The children will go on a magical adventure this half term, with our Talk for Writing story - what mysterious things are happening in Elf Road? They will also make puppets - sewing is always a very popular activity and it can be quite surprising to see who has excellent sewing skills! Maths takes on a journey through fractions, time and directional language and in PE, we are learning some Country Dancing. We will be busy!


Summer 2: Me in my World

Our final topic explores geographical map skills, healthy eating and lifestyles and we cook a scrumptious healthy muffin. The children always enjoy our Art focus on Banksy and creating their own Grafitti style Art. But of course, this half term also involves lots of transition work with Marston Green Junior School. It is a half term full of mixed emotions - sadness at leaving, worry about new classes and schools and excitement for the adventure ahead. We are mindful of all these emotions and support the children in partnership with their new school. 


You will find key dates listed below but these are subject to change and you will always be notified via email or text so please ensure your contact information is up to date with the school office. Thank you.


Please remember that all the teaching staff are here to help - any questions, please just approach one of us and we will be happy to help. 

Key Dates: Summer Term 2024


Thursday 6 June: English Inspire Workshop 2pm

Monday 10 June: Class photographs

Thursday 4 July: Leavers Disco 

Monday 15 July: Parent Evening - Drop in Session

Friday 19 July: Leavers Assembly 9.15am



Useful Websites
