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Year 2





Violet Class, Lily Class and Poppy Class




Spring Term

Welcome to Year 2! 

Please find some information about our topics for the Spring term below. 


Spring 1 : The Great Fire of London

During this topic, we learn all about this significant moment in History. The children always enjoy this topic; learning about Samuel Pepys and writing diaries, understanding changes between fire services then and now and even making and burning our own houses! Very exciting.  Each class will also make a museum for you to visit and see just how much they have learned.



Spring 2: Distant Lands

This topic is geography based, we embed our knowledge of Continents and Oceans before looking more closely at different countries. Focusing on hot and cold countries and then looking more closely at an African country, comparing similarities and differences between there and The UK. The children also participate in an African Drumming Workshop - great fun. This half term also includes World Book Day when we look forward to you joining us for our English Lesson. 



Please remember that all the teaching staff are here to help - any questions, please just approach one of us and we will be happy to help. 


Useful Websites
