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Year 2





Violet Class, Lily Class and Poppy Class




Autumn Term

Welcome to Year 2! 

Please find some information about our topics for the Autumn term below. 


Autumn 1 : Pirates

During this topic, we learn all about the Continents and Oceans on Earth - Can you name the 7 Continents and the main 5 Oceans yet? Through our catchy songs, you will by the end of the term. We create a pirate ship and there is a pulley to make so we can hoist a flag! Our text is 'The Story of Pirate Tom', lots of actions to learn to help us remember the story. We also create our own map for a pirate inspired theme park. Music is an Oceans inspired unit too.

We will end the topic with lots of fun on Pirate Day!  



Autumn 2: The Victorians

This topic is history based, as we learn about Queen Victoria and the differences for a child living then compared to now. We learn about materials in Science and learn about some famous Artists and Designers - we even create our own printed book. We always look forward to our Christmas Celebrations and learning about the connection to The Victorian Era.



Please remember that all the teaching staff are here to help - any questions, please just approach one of us and we will be happy to help. 


Useful Websites
