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Uniform List




How to Order..


Our school uniform provider is School Trends.  Please CLICK HERE to place an order.




School Uniform for Nursery


Autumn/Winter: October half term - Easter


Jogging bottoms, pull up trousers or Grey skirt

Green Academy logo sweatshirt/cardigan

Black or grey tights, or white/grey socks

Velcro shoes or trainers


Summer: Easter until October half term


Jogging bottoms, pull up trousers, grey shorts

White dress with yellow or green stripe/check

Academy logo green sweatshirt/cardigan

White/grey socks

Summer cap/hat

Velcro shoes or trainers


NB All items of clothing, including shoes MUST be clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.




School Uniform for Reception and Year 1 and Year 2


Autumn/Winter: October half term - Easter



Grey skirt, pinafore dress or long grey smart tailored trousers

White blouse or white polo shirt

Academy logo green sweatshirt or Academy logo green logo cardigan

Black or grey tights or white/grey socks

Black flat heeled shoes



Long grey smart tailored trousers

White shirt or white polo shirt

Grey socks

Academy logo green sweatshirt

Black shoes


Summer: Easter until October half term



White dress with yellow stripe or check

Grey skirt or pinafore dress

Academy logo green sweatshirt or Academy logo green cardigan

White socks

Black or white flat heeled shoes / sandals, preferably with toes enclosed to avoid any unnecessary accidents

Summer cap/hat



Long grey smart tailored trousers

White short sleeve shirt or white polo shirt

Summer cap

White or grey socks

Academy logo green sweatshirt

Black shoes





NB All items of clothing, including shoes MUST be clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.


Physical Education (Rec-Yr2 Only)


Black shorts

White T shirt

Black pumps (without laces)

A clearly named green Academy logo PE bag


All items of uniform can be purchased from School Trends please click HERE to be taken to their website


To view our Uniform Policy, please visit the School Policies page here
