Work together to make stick puppets of characters from the story Handa's Surprise. We have attached a template where you can cut out the characters and attach lollipop sticks or straws or you may prefer to draw the characters yourselves!
Support your child to retell the story using the puppets. You may even want to put on a puppet show for toys or other family members.
w/b 08/06/2020
Have a feely box with a variety of different fruits. Can you describe the shape/texture/size of the fruit to someone else in your family? Can they guess which fruit it is? Now change places and have a go at guessing the fruit from someone else’s clues.
There is a program on Purple Mash (Handa’s Surprise Adjectives) that you can use to record your ideas about the different fruits if you would like to.
Can you do a drawing of some different fruits thinking carefully about the colours and the shape?
You may want to extend this by:
- Painting or collaging different fruits
- Cutting the fruits in half and printing using paint
-Making a simple basket and cutting out the pictures to stick in the basket.
Make a fruit salad- we have attached a basic recipe that you may like to read together.
Think carefully about how to cut the different fruits. Look at the inside of the fruit- what can you see? Do they look/feel/smell the same as each other?
African Art. Can you work with a grown up to find some African art on the internet? We have also added some African pattern art and a power point below for you to have a look at.
What do you notice about the patterns? (Link to the work we did previously on repeating patterns in Maths) Do you like the art? Which pieces are you favourite and why? What colours do they use?
Can you have a go at creating your own African pattern art? There are two programs on Purple Mash that can help you with this (My African Pattern and My African Patterns) or you may choose to use paint, felt tips or collage materials.
We have also added a power point about Africa that you may want to look at to find out more about where Handa lived!
w/b 29/6/2020
This week we are thinking about African music. Can you work with a grown up to find some African music on the internet?
Listen to the music- How does it make you feel? Do you like the music?
Now have a go at creating your own African musical instrument using items from around your house (eg you might use saucepans and a wooden spoon for some drums or cups with rice/ dried pasta to create a shaker). We have attached some ideas but you may come up with your own!!
Make your own African music using the items you have found.
w/b 6/7/2020
For the next 2 weeks we will be thinking about the city of London.
Revisit the powerpoint from your English work this week. Discuss the different London landmarks- have you visited them or heard about them before?
We will be creating our own silhouette picture of a famous London landmark. Start by mixing a coloured paint with water (red or orange work particularly well for a sunset effect) and paint a whole sheet of paper using this wash. Wait for it to dry overnight and then using black paint/chalk/ felt tip draw a picture of your favourite London landmark. Discuss the silhouette effect- do you like it?
You can find lots of other silhouette pictures on line with the help of a grown up.
Again thinking about the landmarks in London- can you create a 3D model of one of the landmarks. You might choose to use lego, building blocks or reclaimed materials (ie old cereal boxes, cartons etc.)
You might want to extend this to making more landmarks and creating you own mini City of London!