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Please find below some general Maths activities for you to look at with your child. During the Spring Term we will be focusing on the Number 10 and ways to make 10. Also we will begin to look at simple activities involving addition and 3D shapes. 

Other ways to support Maths is to play simple board games or counting when carrying out everyday activities eg laying the table.


Number Blocks


We also use the Number blocks episodes in school and all of these can been found on BBC iplayer. Below we have suggested possible episodes, enough for one per day:


 Numberblocks Number Blobs

Numberblocks Peekaboo

Numberblocks 10

Numberblocks Fruit salad

Numberblocks Ten Again

Numberblocks Castle

Numberblocks Numberblock Rally

Numberblocks Eleven

Numberblocks Twelve

Numberblocks Thirteen



Online Games


Some online games that we like to use in school include:


Saucer Sorter (

Counting Caterpillar to 10 (

Teddy Numbers (






Simple Addition and Subtraction
