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Week Beginning 18.05.2020

Hello everyone, we continue to miss you all and we hope you and your families are staying safe and keeping well. This is the last week before we should be breaking up for half term holiday so the activities this week are linked to nature, especially birds, and you might like to complete the activities over the next two weeks.


Have you finished all the activities linked to The Great Fire of London? Last week Mrs Allen, Mrs Griffiths and Miss Taylor shared their favourite parts of the topic and this week I’ve heard from other teachers…Mrs Pinches enjoyed the powerpoint of Mrs Griffiths visiting London and remembered when they built a model of The Monument in Class 9, Mrs Hart said that she remembered visiting the class museum when her daughter was in Year 2 and she was amazed at all the information the children had learnt. Have you learned a lot of new things? Miss Taylor said she was looking forward to completing all the Artwork with the children in Class 8 and Mrs Guthrie was disappointed that we weren’t able to build and houses and set them on fire like we did last year! Mrs Burden said how much she enjoyed creating new poems and hearing the children sing London’s Burning. We have already seen some photographs of children’s work on The Great Fire of London, please send some more in as it really cheers us up when we see your faces.


You may have noticed that each week we have used a different bird as the icon on the home learning page. Mini Quiz Time – Can you name them all? This weeks activities are below, including lots of links to stories and games about wildlife and nature. Why don’t you use the story writing map to create your own story about a bird? Impress your parents, we know you can do it!
