Hi everyone,
We all hope you are still keeping well and staying safe! This week should be a half term holiday so we have not set any specific home learning tasks and we would like you to treat this week as a holiday week. White Rose Maths is also taking a holiday week for those of you who are following their lessons. However, we understand that for some people, it might be helpful to have some activities to complete. Therefore, we have included a list of websites below which you might like to share together, if you haven't already come across them!
National Museums Liverpool has launched a special project, encouraging children aged 4-11 to create their own museum from objects in their home. We know how much the children enjoy creating the class museums at school so we thought this might interest them. Follow this link for more information. My Museum.
The Scouts have created a website full of activities. This is what they say "While we normally love the great outdoors, we’ve pulled together some inspired indoor activity ideas (if we do say so ourselves) to keep kids entertained while schools are closed due to coronavirus. Keep your kids learning new skills and having fun (and avoid hearing ‘I’m bored’ every 30 seconds) all in #TheGreatIndoors." This is the link to follow The Great Indoors
If your child is a fan of Lego, this site includes lots of videos and activities they might enjoy. Lego
Pawprint Badges is a site that includes activities and challenges for children to complete indoors and outdoors. They can earn badges, which do cost to purchase, but this is not necessary. There are lots of fun ideas to choose from and you could always create your own achievement! Explore the pawprint badges and challenges. Pawprint
National Geographic have activities and quizzes if your child enjoys exploring the world around them. National Geographic Kids
Are you cooking together more? It's a great way to embed mathematics and English through reading and exploring text and quantities. Jamie Oliver has created a free series dedicated to cooking with kids on his YouTube channel. youtube.com/user/JamieOliver
Finally, we are all aware that reading is still so very important and it is just as important to share stories and texts as it is for your child to read a book so here is a list of sites that you could access some different stories and activities.
Home Learning will continue next week, in its usual format, for the final half term of this very strange school year!
We hope you all enjoy the bank holiday weekend and have a fun-filled half term holiday week.