w/b 01/06/2020
Our new story for this half term is "Handa’s Surprise". Please read this story with your child. We have attached a YouTube link below if you don't have the story at home and we have also attached a condensed version that you may prefer to share with your child. We want the children to become familiar with this story so please read it every day and encourage your child to retell the story using picture prompts or the puppets (see Topic planning for this week).
Here are some questions you might like to ask your child to check understanding:
*Who was the fruit basket for?
*How did the tangerines get into the basket?
*Why didn’t Handa realise the fruits had gone?
* What would have happened if the goat had not gotten free?
Can you create your own story map for the shorter version of the story?
w/b 8/6/2020
Sometimes at school we do dictation where we say a sentence and the children have a go at writing it down. Say the following sentences one at a time to your child (repeat as many times as necessary). Can they have a go at writing the sentences? We do not expect them to spell all the words correctly- the most important thing is that they are listening for sounds in the words. Have they remembered the capital letter at the beginning and the full stop at the end? Maybe they could draw a picture to match the sentence.
Handa lived in Africa.
Handa had a basket.
The zebra took an orange.
A goat got free.
A goat butted into a tree.
Please note we have also added a Phonics tab on the previous page and there are some further activities in there. Many thanks.
This week as part of our topic work we are going to be asking you to make a fruit salad. You will need to make a shopping list for the fruits that you want to go into your salad. We have attached some fruit bordered paper for you to write your list of fruits. Don’t forget you will also need fruit juice or yogurt to add to your salad!
Parents, as always, we do not expect at this stage for children to be spelling all the fruit names correctly. The emphasis is on children listening for sounds and writing what they can hear. Also remind children to practise their letter formation. Please encourage children to start a new line for each fruit and talk about this being a feature of a list.
Write a book review of Handa’s Surprise. We have attached a template that you may want to use or you can do one of your own.
Then think about the following questions:
Did you like the story? Why/ Why not?
Did anything about the story surprise you?
Have you ever done something kind for a close friend?
Are there any parts of the story you don’t like?
Look at the attached powerpoint about African Animals. Can you guess the correct animal, how do you know?
Parents/carers encourage your child to choose one of the African animals. Can you support them to use the internet to find out some simple facts about their chosen animal?
Children can you use the facts about your chosen animal to make an animal fact file. We have attached some blank templates that you may want to use or you could make one of your own! There is also one on Purple Mash (search Animal Adjectives) if you would rather use the computer.
For the next two weeks we will be looking at the city of London.
Look at the attached powerpoint. Can you read the information together with a grown up.
Remember to sound out any words that you are unsure of.
You might want to look on line to find out more information about London.
Look at the attached powerpoint to find out more information about all of the places in London. Can you create your own travel brochure- draw a picture of 3 of your favourite landmarks and write a simple sentence to give some information about that place. We have attached a blank template that you may want to use or you can create one of your own. Here are some examples of sentences you may use:
Big Ben is a tall clock tower.
The London bus is red.
Buckingham Palace is home to the Queen.
You can use the attached template or create one of your own.