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We really hope you are enjoying our story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. If you need a recap you can read the story again by clicking on the link below.


Mr Moore has been reading the story too and has had a go at making a story map and even writing his own version of the story. Have a look at what he has been up to below.


Mr Moore has made his own story map of the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. First of all see if you can ‘read’ Mr Moore’s story map. What do all of the pictures mean?





Then see if you can use the story map to retell the story to someone else. You could even try to add actions to make it really interesting.



Now read through Mr Moore’s version of the story. You might notice that Mr Moore has been a bit silly and forgotten to put capital letters in the right place. He has even put some capital letters in the wrong places! Can you help him out by pretending to be the teacher, marking his work and showing him where he should have put the capital letters?


If you can’t print the sheet out then just choose 3 of the sentences from the story to write out correctly.



Look at the word board below. How many of the words can you read by yourself. Can you think of a sentence to put them in? For example if you choose ‘peach surprise’ your sentence might be Mr Grinling likes peach surprise.




  • Can you choose 3 different words and use them to write a super sentence?


  • Can you one of these words in your sentence?





  • Can you draw a picture to show what is happening in your sentence?



Quiz Time


Can you answer these questions about the story?





Extra Activities


If you are amazing and have completed all of this weeks activities then there are some extra things for you. What a super brainy person you are.


