Subject Leader - Mrs Griffiths
At Marston Green Infant Academy we aim to ensure children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, reason mathematically and are able to solve mathematical problems.
Please click here for our Curriculum Intent statement
Our Teaching Approach
Throughout the Academy, we inform our planning with resources from The National Centre for Excellence in Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), nrich maths and White Rose Maths. We deliver our lessons with a 'teaching for mastery' approach. The NCETM describes this approach...
- Mastering maths means pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.
- The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths.
- Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable pupils to move on to more advanced material.
Effective teaching for mastery is underpinned by 5 Big Ideas. This webpage link will provide further explanation of each idea.
Our daily maths sessions in Reception are sourced from white rose maths, Numicon and NCETM which includes Numberblocks. These sessions are complimented by a weekly focus activity on a given mathematical strand. The White Rose overview for Early Years can be found below but please be aware that some topics may change slightly to meet children's needs.
Daily lesson planning in Key Stage 1 follows the structure of White Rose Maths and the overviews for Years 1 and 2 can be found below. Please be aware that the weekly schedule can change slightly, as some topics can require further consolidation.
Throughout the Academy, our lessons involve children practically exploring their mathematics using a wide range of concrete and pictorial resources such as part, part wholes, base 10, double sided counters and bead strings. We also use Numicon and Rekenrek's; please see the calculation policies below to see how these resources can be used effectively. Please be aware that these documents, provided by White Rose also demonstrate the progression throughout Key Stage 2. We do not teach any of this content but it might be useful for you to understand your child's mathematical journey.
Starting in Reception, we provide a daily 15 minute session which focuses on acquiring Key Number Facts. We use a programme called Mastering Number, designed by NCETM. This aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention is given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.
Reasoning and problem solving is central to our daily lessons. Children are encouraged to apply their learning into a variety of contexts and consider strategies they would use to solve problems. Teaching staff question children throughout the Academy by asking questions such as...How do you know? Show me? What is and What is not? True or False?
If you are interested in further examples of how we support reasoning, click on the star below and it will direct you to reasoning curriculum progression by specific strand.
All the mathematics lessons in the Academy are sequenced so that children can build on their prior learning at an appropriate pace and they can apply their knowledge to the next steps in their learning. The National Curriculum progression document below shows all the steps and how they are built upon from Years 1 to 2. As before, this document includes their journey into KS2 for your information only.
Intervention Groups
Children in all year groups are given additional support with aspects of Mathematics they find tricky. Children in year 1 and year 2 take part in interventions which help to consolidate their understanding of maths concepts they have found tricky; interventions take place in the same week as the concept is taught so the children can grasp quickly, consolidate understanding and move on with their learning at the same pace as their peers.
All children are given additional challenge within each maths lesson but some children attend an intervention which supports their understanding at a greater depth.
Children are selected for an intervention following discussions with class teachers and the Senior Leadership Team. Groups are reviewed on a half termly basis where the impact of the intervention is evaluated.
Curriculum Links
Mathematics is a part of everyday life and therefore it will often link to other subject areas such as Science, Art, Design and Technology and History. We explore mathematical concepts and problems in the classroom but also in the outdoor environment. We promote enjoyment of learning through practical activity, exploration and discussion. Teaching staff support children to communicate their ideas, experiences and questions, clearly and fluently, using the appropriate mathematical language.
Parent Involvement
In Years 1 and 2, we hold Inspire Workshops annually, where parents can join their child in the classroom for a maths inspired session. The children always enjoy showing their parents how to use the different resources and it is lovely to see everyone having a go at our problem solving questions.
Some parent comments from previous sessions included:
"Enjoyed having lots of different activities to go to"
" I wish maths had been like this when I was at school"
"It was good to have things out that we could do together"
" It was good to see how confident my child was, explained how to solve the question to me!"
"Always enjoy these workshops - thank you"
White Rose Workbooks
Follow the year group links below to access workbooks on most of the mathematical strands taught in Key Stage 1. These have been provided by White Rose Maths so follow the same format as lessons in school and images of resources will be familiar to the children. It would be most helpful to look at the workbook at the same time or after the unit has been taught in school.
Interactive Activities
Children in Key Stage 1 all have a NumBots login, an interactive game that develops fluency in mathematics. The cog icon below provides further information and parent guidance. In addition, follow the computer icon below to access some additional useful websites.
If you misplace your child's log in details - just ask your child's class teacher who will be able to provide the details again.
One minute maths from white Rose Maths
To view our Maths Policy, please click here to be taken to our Policies page