Many thanks to all of those parents who attended the workshop and for your lovely feedback.
Here are some examples of the feedback that we received...
'I feel the RSE workshop was brilliant, I went away with a lot of information and will definitely be using the information at home with my children so thank you'
'Great workshop, very useful to know what the kids are taught and why it is taught in this way. Happy with the information they will be given.'
'Really enjoyed the RSE workshop - found the information very useful. The presentation was very relaxed and I have used some of the techniques already. Look forward to more workshops/meetings.'
'I attended the RSE workshop recently and found it very useful and informative - it was very well presented and covered a lot of issues. As a parent I always appreciate these workshops and find them invaluable.'
'Really useful to my husband and I. As a parent we hope we are doing our best but a little information from others goes a long way.'
'I thought it was very good and made me think about some things. I now use the correct terminology when naming private body parts.'
'I found the recent information on RSE to be professionally delivered and informative. I was pleased with how RSE has been thought through and feel the children will benefit from the new approaches that were discussed in the meeting.'
'The workshop was very well delivered and very interesting to learn as parents how this is delivered in school.'
To access the power point presentation that was used for the RSE parent workshop click on 'About us' then from the scroll down menu click on 'curriculum' and then 'PSHE'. If you scroll down the page you will find it as one of the options to click on.