Reception Outdoor Area Makeover!
During the Inset Day on 19 April, the Early Years staff spent the day renovating the Reception outside play area. Over the last academic year, due to the pandemic, it had been somewhat neglected and the staff were keen to get it back into full working order so that the children could spend some quality time outdoors in a well-structured and purposeful area. The staff spent the day cleaning, sorting, mending, planting and painting in the Reception play area. I think they all had a wonderful time! The children noticed the changes immediately and have enjoyed the freedom of playing outside in a bright organised environment.
My thanks go to all the staff involved, but a particular thank you to one of our Reception parents—Mr Smerdon, who was instrumental in organising a link with Melbick’s Garden Centre (Blue Diamond Group) who kindly donated pots, soil, gravel and other outdoor resources to support the transformation. The Reception children sent the garden centre some lovely letters and pictures thanking them and these have been used to decorate the staff room at Melbick’s.
Once again, thank you for all of the people involved in making this happen If any of you are keen gardeners and have seeds, plants or any items that may be useful to develop the area further, please speak to a member of the Reception staff. During these difficult financial times, we depend on voluntary contributions to support us in these ventures.