Dear Parents
Phased Re-Opening
I hope that you are all keeping well, staying safe and enjoying spending some quality time together as a family during these uncertain times.
Following the Government announcement on Sunday 10 May, regarding the reopening of schools and Early Years settings, I am now in the process of organising the implementation of these changes and how this will operate on a day to day basis within Marston Green Infant Academy.
Initially the Academy will be open from 1 June for Nursery, Reception and Year 1 only.
This will be school hours only. Before and After School Club will not be in operation during this time.
Following Government advice Year 2 children are not included at this stage, although there are plans that these children will potentially be able to return to school at the start of July. We will of course keep you updated and we will continue to work with Marston Green Junior School to ensure that the transition of the Year 2 pupils is as smooth as possible during these times.
If you are already listed as a Key Worker or your child is classed as vulnerable and has been attending school throughout the lockdown, they will still be able to attend under current arrangements, regardless of which year group they are in.
I know that many of you will be very concerned about the welfare of your child and consequently your family. Please be reassured that my main concern is to ensure the safety of your children, you as parents and also my staff at this time and I will do my utmost not to jeopardise the safety of our school community in any way.
Based on Government guidelines:
As you can see there are many things to consider to ensure the safety and welfare of all as we move into this next phase. Therefore in order to start the planning and organisation, I would kindly ask that you inform us as to whether you intend to send your child/ren to school on 1 June 2020, by completing a short online form. Please let us know your decision by Tuesday 19 May 2020 (4pm deadline).
If we do not receive a response from you by this time, we will assume your child will not be attending school before September 2020.
Click here to complete online response If you have more than one child attending our Academy, please complete a separate form for each child (click the link again to re-open a new form) |
Obviously as parents, you have the right to choose whether to send your child to school, and although we are encouraging parents as per the Government guidelines, we also respect your opinions during these difficult and uncertain times.
If you decide that you do not wish to send your child to school on 1 June 2020, no attendance fines or penalty notices will be issued.
Let us hope that very soon we are all in a position to look back on these times and reflect on what we have learnt about ourselves, our children and the strength we have as a community.
I will of course keep you updated when I have more information about the structure and organisation of the day.
Please send my love to the children. All the staff are missing them and we are so enjoying seeing all the tremendous work that you have been doing at home – keep it up!
I pray that before long we can get to see our friends, our family and get back to some sort of normality within our lives.
Take care and stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Ms Beverley Elliott