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Subject Coordinator - Miss C Smyth


Please click here to see our Curriculum Intent statement


      “Design and Technology prepares children to participate in tomorrow’s rapidly changing technologies. The subject calls for pupils to become autonomous and creative problem solvers, as individuals and members of a team. They combine practical skills and as they do so they reflect on and evaluate their design and technology, its uses and effects. Through Design and Technology all pupils can become discriminating and informed users of products and become innovators.”
Design and Technology in the National Curriculum Statutory Orders 2000.



Aims of the subject
To develop a broad range of designing and making skills and the ability to apply these in a variety of situations.
To gain knowledge of and confidence in using a variety of materials, components and tools.
To develop the ability to evaluate the products made and those of others, including those from other cultures.
To be able to follow a design, manage and use appropriate knowledge, processes and resources, to a successful outcome.
To be aware of the contribution of Design & Technology in everyday life and to be able to identify needs that they can address at home, at school and in the community, in order to develop an understanding of citizenship.
To be aware of the health and safety issues related to Design & Technology

Pupil Voice 

The Children's views on Design and Technology at the Academy.

"I was amazed when my dad suggested putting a ladder on the top. It made my fire engine look even better."

"I felt excited and happy to build the fire engine with my family."

"I enjoyed when I painted the fire engine because it looked pretty dull but then I painted it and it looked fabulous."

"It was cool to use a glue gun, to put the stand on my fire engine."

"I liked pressing and touching the clay it felt soft."

"It was hard to sew my puppet but I kept trying and it looked good in the end." 

"It was fun making the sandwich for our VE Day party but it was tricky spreading the butter."



Parent Voice 

Parents views on Design and Technology at the Academy.

"I enjoyed having the opportunity to do something fun with my child during the workshop."

"It was good to see what my child has been doing at school."

"It's good to see that the children are learning new practical skills."


To view our D&T Policy, please visit our School Policies page