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This week we are looking back at our memories of Year 1 and then looking towards the future.




First of all you need to see what you remember from Year 1. Have a really good think and see what you can remember. You might want to write a list of your favourite things to do or the best things that happened. They don't just have to be things that you did in school they could be things from your home learning. 


If you get stuck for ideas then maybe you could check out your seesaw feed and look back at some of those photos.


Can you remember any of these activities?


-P.E. with Miss Bolt

-Yoga in the hall

-5 a day

-Walk the mile

-The Gruffalo

-Outdoor 'Andy Goldsworthy' art pictures

-Van Gogh Sunflowers

-Active maths


-Jack and the Beanstalk



When you've talked to a grown up about your favourite things this year then have a go at completing the worksheet below about your memories.






Then have a go at this end of year booklet.






The Future


What do you want to be when you grow up?


First of all follow the link below to watch 2 videos of people talking about what they wanted to be when thye grew up.


Now have a think about what you would like to do. You might like to have a chat with a grown up about this.


Now have a go at completing the worksheet below.





Now try one of the activities below from Purplemash


