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This term we will be starting by looking at the story 'Oliver's Vegetables' but remember if you want some extra activities to do you can look on the 'Talk for Writing' page too.



First of all have a look at one of the videos below (or click on the story link below) to read the story.  


Amazon have the book on kindle for £1.99 at the moment.






Now you can try some of the activities below.


We would recommend you do them in the order they are here but you can always mix and match if you would like.



Have a look at the story map. Can you remember the story?


Could you use the story map to retell the story to someone? 


Maybe you could use actions or even act out parts of the story to make it really interesting.



Book Review


Your first task is to write a book review. You could use the template below to help you think of headings or maybe you would just like to write your own review.


Remember to think of your favourite part of the story. What were the characters lie? WHat did you like about the story? Was there anything you disliked? Would you recommend this story to someone else?




Quiz Time


See if you can answer these 20 questions all about the story.


If you get stuck have a look back at the story and it might help you out.


  1. How did Oliver and Mum get to Grandpa’s house?
  2. What did Oliver think was the best thing about Grandpa’s house?
  3. Oliver said that he only liked one type of food, what was it?
  4. Grandpa told Oliver that if he wanted to have chips he’d have to find something first. What did Oliver need to find?
  5. What did Oliver find on Monday?
  6. Which vegetable had ‘crinkly leaves’?
  7. Why did Oliver think that potatoes must have big leaves?
  8. Which vegetable were the slugs and snails on?
  9. On Friday, Oliver found something that he thought was potatoes but he was wrong. What had he found?
  10. On Saturday, what vegetable did Oliver get his food ball tangled in?
  11. Which vegetable did Oliver eat in a salad?
  12. Which vegetable did Oliver eat as a soup?
  13. When Oliver found the potatoes, what did he want to do with them?
  14. To make the chips, Oliver scrubbed the potatoes and Gran peel them. What did Grandpa do?
  15. What did mum hope that Oliver would do while staying with his grandparents?
  16. Why did Gran, Grandpa and Oliver laugh?
  17. What pet did Gran and Grandpa have?
  18. Which vegetable do you think that Oliver preferred most? Why?
  19. Which vegetable would be your favourite? Why?
  20. What would you grow in your garden? Why?




Design a Poster


Design a poster to encourage people to eat healthily.


Can you include all of the vegetables that Oliver found in the garden on your poster?


Have a look at this one for some inspiration.




Oliver's Timetable


What did Oliver eat on each day?


Write a sentence and draw picture of that fruit. You could try to make it look like the template below.


















































Be a shopkeeper


Can you make your own greengrocer shop at home?


What will your shop sell?


Remember to label all of the things in your shop with their name and price. You could even get someone in your house to come be a customer.



You could use the resources below to help or even make your own!

