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Science - Vegetable Sorting


Have a look the the information in the powerpoint. Which vegetables grow above the ground and which grow below the ground?


When you have finished reading have a go at the sorting activity. If you can't print out the sheet you could just draw the pictures instead. Make sure you don't look at the answers until you have finished - no cheating?





All About Vegetables


Can you read the information 'All About Vegetables' and see if you can answer the questions? How many did you get right?





Art - Drawing Vegetables


Can you draw the vegetables from the story. Have a look at the step by step guide and see if you can follow it to draw some amazing pictures of the caharcetrs from the story.





D&T - New Recipes


Can you follow the instructions below to make a Vegtastic Smoothie or a Scumtious Stuffed Pepper?




