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Medical Needs


It is important that you advise us of any medical needs that your child may have such as ongoing medical conditions or allergies, and keep us informed of any important updates.


For Public Health England guidance on Infectious Diseases and Infection Control in Schools, please click here 


¤ Dietary Needs ¤


It is the responsibility of parents to inform the school and our cook of any special dietary requirements.  If your child, for religious or cultural reasons, is unable to eat certain foods, then please put this information in writing before your child attends school.  It is not our wish to cause offence by serving your child with the wrong meal; however the responsibility lies with parents to tell us of their child’s special dietary needs. If your child has any food allergies, please inform the school in writing via the Pupil Information Form prior to your child starting school.



¤ Prescribed Medication ¤

If your child has been prescribed medication, you should still be able to send them into school.  In most cases we are able to assist your child in taking their medication.


If your child’s medicine needs to be taken 3 times a day, this can be done before school, after school and before bedtime in order to prevent any disruption.


If your child must take prescribed medication during school time, the medicine must be handed directly in to the school office; where you will be asked to complete a form giving details of the medicine and dosage, authorising the medication to be administered by a member of staff.


Following NHS advice, non-prescribed medication, such as Calpol can now be administered in school, providing a parent has completed a 'Consent to Administer Medicine' form, which can be obtained from the school office.



¤ Head Lice ¤


 Head lice are a constant problem!  However, it is not the Academy’s  responsibility to deal with this matter – it is for the parents to regularly check their child’s hair and scalp.  If lice are detected, medication, available from chemists, should be applied thoroughly to your child’s hair and scalp.  All parents should recognise that head lice have a life cycle of 2 weeks, which means that eggs may hatch after the first treatment.  Parents should remain vigilant and thoroughly wash and brush hair regularly.  Children’s hair should be clear of lice before they return to school. Please advise the school if your child has been infected with head lice.


For more information and advice on head lice, please visit this useful website:




¤ Special Needs ¤


Our aim is to assist each child to develop fully, both intellectually and socially. We recognise that children, at some time in their life, might have a special educational need or disability.  We identify that need and take appropriate action.  Children with particular learning difficulties are supported by our Special Needs Co-ordinator.  Additional support will be sought from outside agencies such as the Specialist Inclusion and Support Service, Physical Impairment, Educational Psychologists and other professional agencies when exceptional needs cannot be met through our outstanding teaching.


To comply with the SEN Code of Practice, the school needs to keep a register of all children requiring additional support. The register is regularly updated following a period of additional support which is delivered in class or in an intervention group.  The process of ‘plan, do and review’ and teacher’ assessment, informs the requirement of additional support and therefore being named on the SEN register.


At Marston Green Infant Academy, we have a Special Needs Co-Coordinator who works closely with all class teachers, offering support, guidance and  advice on specific enrichment activities.


For more information, please visit our SEND page.
