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Arrivals & Departures




Start Time

End Time

Part Time Nursery (15hrs)



Full Time Nursery (30hrs)




8:30 – 8:55am


Year 1

8:30 – 8:55am


Year 2

8:30 – 8:55am




Children are welcomed into school from the playground at 8:30am.  Although staff are on the premises before this, they are busy preparing for the day’s work, so please do not bring your child to school before 8:30am as supervision cannot be provided.  For your child’s safety we ask that he/she is bought to and collected from school by a responsible adult.  It is part of our school policy that young children are not allowed to go home with anyone under the age of fourteen years


On entry to the school, parents are issued with a yellow ‘Authorised to Collect’ form, which must be completed and returned to school.  This list of authorised adults will be used by teaching staff when dismissing children at the end of the day.  If you are unable to collect your child personally, you must let us know which adult will be coming in your place.  If this will be on a regular basis you must let your child’s teacher know, and you may add the name of the authorised adult to your child’s ‘Authorised to Collect’ form. 



Reception children should be collected at 3:15pm, and children in Years 1 and 2 at 3:30pm


Bikes and scooters must not be ridden on the Academy site, or down the main path.  Dogs are also not allowed anywhere on the school premises.


Morning Registration takes place at 8:55am, if you child arrives after this time, they will need to sign in at the School Office and will be marked Late (L) on the registers.  If your child arrives after 9:15am they will be given a U mark (unauthorised absence - late after registration closes)


Afternoon registration takes place at the end of the school day. 


It is very important that your child is not late for school.  This creates all sorts of administration problems for the teachers, can be upsetting for the child and will result in a late mark being entered in the register.  For the purpose of attendance records a late mark is recorded on your child’s registration certificate and, subsequently, their annual report.  Please do your utmost to ensure that your child is collected on time, and, if you are unavoidably detained, ensure that your child’s teacher and the secretary know in advance that you are going to be late.  Please report to the school office on arrival and sign your child into school using the electronic sign in system.
